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By Robbin Laird The U.S. faces a vastly different world than when it primarily focused on land wars post-9/11. Today it faces a multi-polar authoritarian world, with adversaries and competitors with both shared and competing interests, capabilities, and approaches to the use of military force to achieve objectives. With that in mind, how does the U.S. train a naval force to operate in such a world? And how do you draw on relevant U.S. joint…

The Danish Fighter Decision and Its Significance

05/18/2016Put it blunt terms, choosing a new combat fighter was not a beauty contest but part of building effective deterrence against threats near and far. Read more »

Shaping a Way Ahead for the F-35 in UK Defence: The Perspective of Air Commodore Harvey Smyth

05/15/2016The UK's lead officer on introducing the F-35 into the RAF talks about the way ahead. Read more »

The European Air Group Works 4th and 5th Generation Air Combat Integration

05/14/2016A two-day 4th 5th Generation Integration Information Forum was held at RAF High Wycombe at the end of April 2016. Read more »

The F-35 and 21st Century Defence: Shaping a Way Ahead

05/13/2016We have just published a book on the F-35 and 21st Century Defence: Shaping a Way Ahead which can be purchased from Amazon worldwide. Read more »

The Osprey Tanking the F-35: “Multi-Mission Everything”

05/09/2016Tanking an F-35 with an Osprey is part to the multi-mission everything approach of the USMC. Read more »

The RAF and Royal Navy Prepare for the F-35 (Video)

05/06/2016The Brits are preparing their new F-35 base at RAF Marham and their new Queen Elizabeth carrier for the arrival in 2018 of the initial UK F-35s. Read more »

F-35s at Luke AFB: Dropping GBU 12s

05/03/2016Slideshow:F-35s at Luke AFB: Dropping GBU 12s Read more »

New Approaches to Air-Land Integration: A New Special Report

05/02/2016The latest Williams Foundation report on the transformation of Australian defense forces has just been published.   Read more »

From Deployments to the Baltic Region to Empowering the Kill Web in Defense of the Homeland: UK Evolution?

04/09/2016UK carriers will provide key centerpieces for any extended defense of the homeland via modular integration with other allied forces. Read more »