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By Robbin Laird The U.S. faces a vastly different world than when it primarily focused on land wars post-9/11. Today it faces a multi-polar authoritarian world, with adversaries and competitors with both shared and competing interests, capabilities, and approaches to the use of military force to achieve objectives. With that in mind, how does the U.S. train a naval force to operate in such a world? And how do you draw on relevant U.S. joint…

A Discussion with the Australian Air Chief: Air Marshal Davies Discusses Iraq, Plan Jericho and the Way Ahead

09/12/2015Get the system into the hands of the operators to determine what capabilities are best next and from which platform? Inherent in our Plan Jericho approach where discovery… Read more »

The Air Commander Australia Discusses Plan Jericho and the Way Ahead

08/30/2015In this interview with the Air Commander Australia, shaping a more effective and lethal combat force is the focus of attention. Read more »

F-22 Deployment to Europe: Air-Enabled Combat in Transition

08/29/2015F-22s and F-35s do not operate as do legacy aircraft and the Greek chorus of critics on the F-35 and the fifth generation transition simply blow past this… Read more »

The Williams Foundation, the RAAF and Shaping A Way Ahead

08/28/2015Where do you find cutting edge thinking DISCUSSED IN PUBLIC about the impact of fifth generation airpower on changing the entire approach to combat operations? Read more »

Shaping a 21st Century Pacific Force: Perspectives from PACFLEET

08/24/2015PACFLEET is focused on shaping a more effective force, one which can operate over an extended battlespace. Read more »

F-35s at Beaufort Air Station: The B as a Strategic Asset

08/22/2015The B provides significant strategic advantages to having to rely on fixed airfields, as is being discovered by the USAF operating off of Turkish airfields. Read more »

Shaping an Operational Strategy in the Pacific: An Interview with Rear Admiral John Aquilino

08/18/2015PACFLEET’s Director of Maritime Operations provides an overview on the way ahead. Read more »

62nd Fighter Squadron Gets First F-35s

08/16/2015Video:62nd Fighter Squadron Gets First F-35s Read more »

Combat Transformation, and the Amphibious Force: A PACFLEET Marine Corps Perspective.

08/11/2015The transformation of the amphibious fleet is a key driver for change in the Pacific. Read more »