North European and North Atlantic Defense: The Challenges Return

12/01/2017The Nordics are responding to what they see as a new situation in their region. The Arctic opening expands the range significantly of the challenge in what might… Read more »

The Future of Electronic Warfare

09/13/2017This special report looks at the future of electronic warfare from the perspective of the participants in a Williams Foundation seminar on the subject. Read more »

The Maritime Services and the Kill Web

09/04/2017This special report looks at the emergence of the kill web from the perspective of the maritime and air forces. Read more »

Leverage Allied Investments and Combat Learning Experience in Modernizing the U.S. Military

08/09/2017As the US looks to develop new capabilities, a key way to accelerate modernization is embracing foreign capabilities. Read more »

Designing the Integrated Force

05/05/2017This special report looks at Australian thinking and efforts to design and shape an integrated force. Read more »

Shaping a Way Ahead for Norwegian Defense

02/26/2017This special report looks at reshaping of Norwegian defense and its impacts. Read more »

Rethinking China Policy

01/17/2017This special report looks at the strategic opportunity facing the Trump Administration with regard to China. Read more »

The Integration of the F-35B into USMC Operations

01/06/2017This special report provides an update on the introduction and integration of the F-35B into evolving USMC operations. Read more »