Royal Navy Success in Enforcing North Korean Sanctions

According to a story published on the UK MoD website on April 5, 2019, a Royal Navy vessel conducting United Nations sanctions enforcement against North Korea has successfully tracked an illegal transfer at sea. Working alongside Japanese partners, HMS MONTROSE spotted a North Korean ship in the East China Sea, alongside…

Huawei, 5G Networks: ASPI Provides a Case Study With Regard to Restoring Infrastructure Sovereignty

With 2014 came the end of an era. It was apparent that authoritarian powers were back and in many ways’ ascendant. The response by the liberal democracies has been varied and differentiated. Some have taken it seriously; others hope that the past period of hope for a globalized democratization process…

Germany’s Embargo on Saudi Arabia and the Limits of European Arms Cooperation (Updated)

By Pierre Tran Paris - Germany’s renewal of an arms embargo on Saudi Arabia effectively casts doubt as the lead partner for France to build a future fighter jet, drone, and tank, key projects to boost consolidation in the European defense industry. Berlin on March 28 extended by a further…

From Legacy Training to Training a Crisis Management Force: 5th Gen and the Kill Web

By Robbin Laird An ability to actually have a kill web force requires the training to actually do it. Training will need to occur on two levels. First, in the live environment, working the physical pieces of operating ADA with Naval Systems with Air Systems and working the C2 architecture…

Luke’s F-35 5-year Anniversary

Luke AFB is where the F-35 global enterprise has been launched. Pilots AND maintainers have been trained for the USAF and all the partner nations which have purchased the F-35A. They fly together — including flying each other's airplanes — and maintain together. When we use the term F-35 global…

Reshaping the Fleet in the Pacific: F-35Bs, Distributed Lethality and Unmanned Systems, and Allied Capabilities

By Robbin Laird The kill web appraoch at sea is tapping into a number of key real world operational developments as well as new technologies which will enhance distributed operations and lethality. Three sets of new stories recently published although not linked in the press, clearly are linked in terms…

Poles Enhance Integrated Defense: Laying Foundation for Enhanced Allied Crisis Support

As the Western Alliance looks to deal with the evolving Russian challenge, the question of how fragmentation in the EU or NATO can be overcome in a crisis. With the Russians playing Europe a la carte, it will be about being able to enhance capabilities at the point of stress…