Operating in Contested Urban Environments: The Aussies Look at New Technologies

1/22/18: The 2017 Contested Urban Environment Strategic Challenge (CUE17), a multi-national defence technology activity led by Defence Science and Technology, was held in Adelaide from 20 November to 1 December 2017. [maxgallery id="103874"] The purpose of CUE17 was to investigate new and emerging technologies that can improve the intelligence, surveillance…

Changing Political Dynamics in the United States: Trump as a Political Icebreaker

2018-01-11 By Harald Malmgren The election of Donald Trump is still reverberating throughout the American political system. Rather than being an aberration which the professional political class might never wish to see repeated, President Trump’s election was a bold, powerful shock to the long-prevailing, deeply entrenched political system in Congress,…

Peaceful Denuclearization Means DPRK Regime Can Survive

2018-01-18 By Danny Lam The United States and Canada just concluded a meeting of the United Nations Command Sending States and allies in Vancouver, British Columbia. "Sending states" refers to the belligerents acting under the authority of the United Nations that originally signed the Korean Armistice Agreement of 1953 with…

21st Century Military Power: Changing the Hard and Soft Power Calculus

2018-01-12 By Robbin Laird The US military has been focused along with core allies in fighting counter-terrorism land wars for more than a decade, which represents a defining generation of combat experience for the joint, and coalition force. There has been significant combat learning in shaping new approaches to counter-terrorism…

SAREX 2017: Royal Canadian Air Force

02/19/2018: "A year’s worth of planning has come to fruitition. We started off the exercise with a para accuracy event that challenged our SAR techs at hitting a marked target. We moved into Monday where we did a major air disaster exercise where a number of agencies from 8 Wing produced a scenario that really stressed…

Captain Howard on the Arrival of the USS Wasp in Japan

1/17/2018: Capt. Colby Howard the Commanding Officer of USS Wasp (LHD 1) has an interview with AFN Sasebo pierside post-moor. He discusses the crew morale and excitement to arrive as well as the technological capabilities of the Wasp and it's importance in the region. The Wasp, capable of operating the…