Building a New Class of Conventional Submarines: The Australian Case

2016-09-02 By Robbin Laird © 2016 FrontLine Defence (Vol 13, No 4) After an extensive competition, the Australian government downselected the French firm DCNS to build a new class of advanced-capability conventional (diesel/electric-powered) submarines. The decision was announced on 26 April 2016, in a press release that stated: “The decision…

Uzbekistan After Karimov: A Potential Power Vacuum in a Key Region

2016-09-05 By Richard Weitz With the death of Uzbekistan President Islam Karimov, the country’s political leaders are in the process of deciding who will be Kasimov’s successor. Predicting the country’s future leadership is difficult given that Karimov has been the country’s only president since Uzbekistan gained independence on August 31,…

Lt. Col. “Chip” Berke Weighs in on the F-35 Critics

Recently, The Cyber Brief interviewed the Marines leading expert on fifth generation aircraft, who is an F-22 and F-35 pilot among many other things. He had these choice words for the F-35 critics: The question of “Is it worth it?” has to be put into context. You can only determine…