2015-12-08 The Golden Eagle is a derivative of the F-16. It is a trainer which can function as a multi-role fighter as well. According to J.R. Wildridge of Lockheed Martin: The T-50 program is a joint development between Lockheed Martin and Korea Aerospace Industries to meet the advanced jet pilot…
2015-12-08 According to an article by Sang-Yun, Kim on the South Korean Ministry of Defense website, the South Korean Air Force is already making use of 3D metal printing technology to improve maintenance capabilities. Since entering into an MOU with the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning for the…
2015-12-04 In late October 2015, we had a chance to sit down and talk with key members of the Air Combat Command (ACC) staff about the evolution of the air combat force and the way ahead under the influence of new technologies coming into the force. During that visit, we…
2015-12-04 According to an article published on the Italian Ministry of Defence website, Italy is supporting the Pershmerga in the common fight against ISIS. Italy will keep supporting the Kurdish Regional Government and institutions in their effort to counter ISIS. This is part of Italy’s contribution to the global fight…
2015-12-03 The British Ministry of Defense announced today was that Britain joined into the aid of France and other allies to go after the ISIS safe haven in Syria. Parliament provided voted last nite to support the action. As Minister of Defence Michael Fallon commented this morning: "Daesch has never…
2015-12-02 By John Bruton It is important to see the civil war in Syria that has killed 300,000 people and driven millions from their homes, against the background of Syrian history. Before its boundaries were created by a deal between the French and the British in 1916, present-day Syria was…
2015-12-02 In September, Egypt announced that they were purchasing the two Mistral-calls amphibious ships which France and Russia agreed would NOT be sold to Russia earlier this year. According to an article by Jess McHugh in the International Business Times published September 27, 2015: Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi said…
2015-12-02 While Putin was working the Syrian opportunity in September, the Russian Prime Minister was visiting the disputed islands with Japan. His visit paved the way for a building program on two of the four disputed islands. As reported in The Japan Times on December 2, 2015: Russia is constructing…