F-35Bs Arrive Aboard USS WASP for Operational Testing

2015-05-22 Six aircraft arrived for the opening of OT-1 (first phase of operational testing) on May 18, 2015 aboard the USS Wasp. The six aircraft are from Marine Fighter Attack Training Squadron 501, Marine Aircraft Group 31, 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing, Beaufort, South Carolina, and Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 121,…

Special Report: Integrating Innovative Airpower, An Update from Copenhagen

On April 17, 2015, two of our partners, the Williams Foundation (Australia) and the Centre for Military Studies (University of Copenhagen) hosted a seminar in Copenhagen on airpower innovation. In this Special Report, an overview to the Symposium as well as the speaker’s presentations are highlighted and summarized. Related material…

First Australian F-35 Instructor Pilot Flight at Luke AFB

05/20/2015: After completing his training at Eglin Air Force Base, Squadron Leader Andrew Jackson, of the Royal Australian Air Force, flew an Australian F-35 for the first time at Luke Air Force Base. Squadron Leader Jackson recently joined the team of instructor pilots training students on the fifth generation stealth…

Lt. Gen. John Wissler Discusses Huey Crash in Nepal

05/20/2015: Lt. Gen. John W. Wissler talks at a press conference about the found Huey that went missing after conducting casualty evacuations when Nepal was struck with a 7.3 magnitude earthquake, May 15 at Kathmandu, Nepal. The aircraft carried six Marines and two Nepalese soldiers. The U.S. troops are part…