The USS George Washington in the Philippines

11/20/2013: The USS George Washington is delivering capabilities being used in the relief effort.  It is also part of the hub and spoke system set up to support air operations as well. [slidepress gallery='the-uss-george-washington-in-the-philippines']  Credit: Navy Media Content Services:11/18/13 In the first, photo taken by Major A. “Papi” Guzman of…

Getting the Initial Job Done: Time is the Most Precious Commodity

11/19/2013: When doing disaster relief, professionals will tell you that time is your most precious commodity. The Osprey-KC-130J pairing bought time for the current HA/DR mission.  By having the pairing, the USMC team was able to move in rapidly and prepare for the insertion of additional forces and aide teams.…

The Initial Response to the Philippine Relief Mission: An Osprey Squadron in Action

11/17/2013: As the 1st Marine Wing prepared to celebrate the USMC birthday at a ball, and to prepare for a long weekend around Veteran's Day, this reverie was smashed by the reality of a Typhoon. Nature had another idea and another approach to Veteran's Day. It was time for the…

The Evolution of South Korean Defense Industry: An Emerging Global Player

2013-11-16 By Sam Mayper South Korea has emerged as a global competitor in the international arms market and remains to be one of the world’s largest importers of military commodities. American defense firms have benefited from the industry’s growth because South Korea is the largest recipient of American defense exports. Yet…