The First French A400M and the Global Supply Chain: South Africa Flies with the French Air Force

2013-09-30 A key characteristic of core 21st century multi-mission systems is often their multi-national manufacturing character.  This is centrally true for the new A400M, which has just been delivered to the French Air Force. [caption id="attachment_57693" align="alignnone" width="300"] Welcoming the A400M to the French Air Force, September 30, 2013. Credit: Airbus…

Unmanned Air Flights Stop at the Only Official U.S. Military Base in Africa

2013-09-30 By Guy Martin The US military has stopped flying unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) from its main African base in Djibouti after a string of crashes, moving operations to a remote desert airstrip. Camp Lemonnier, next to Djibouti’s international airport, is the only official American military base on the African continent…

Declaring IOC for the F-35B and Going to Japan: Lt. Col. Gillette Discusses the Approach

2013-09-29 During the visit of Secretary Wynne to the 33rd Fighter Wing, we accompanied him on the visit and add some meetings of our own. Among the most notable of those additional meetings was an opportunity to sit down with two USMC leaders in the process of the roll out of…

Visiting the 33rd Fighter Wing: An Overview and Update on the F-35 Program

2013-09-29  By Robbin Laird On September 4th Secretary Wynne visited the 33rd Fighter Wing for an update on the F-35 program as seen from the training facility.  Ed Timperlake and I accompanied him and added some meetings of our own, notably with maintainers and USMC squadron leaders. We have…