Working with Asians in Asia: Airbus Military Shapes Its Strategy

Airbus Military has focused for some time on ways to harvest the legacy of CASA to shape a more global strategy.  The historical relationship with Indonesia has provided a very good launch point for such an effort.  CASA has a long history of working with Indonesia and has more recently…

Europe’s Launch Industry at ‘Turning Point’

By Peter B. de Selding (Excerpt from Article) The French research minister said Oct. 26 that Europe’s launch vehicle sector is “at a turning point” and must begin investment in a next-generation rocket immediately given the changing competitive landscape. Addressing an issue that continues to divide France and Germany less…

USS George Washington Underway in South China Sea

10/17/2012: Two F/A-18Es from the Royal Maces of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 27 fly in formation with two Sukhoi Su-30s from the Royal Malaysian air force above the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73). [slidepress gallery='uss-geore-washington'] Credit: Navy Media Content Services:10/13/12  In photo 2, the USS George Washington…

Who is spying on the “empty field” in Alabama?

2012-10-21 by Robbin Laird Norm Dicks known in Washington state and national politics as Mr. Boeing spared nothing in attacking Northrop Grumman or EADS in derailing the preferred position of the USAF. Even though Boeing hardly had a stable of veterans in building tankers, Dicks frequently asserted the historic experience…

A Libyan “Loose” Manpads Update: In Use Against Israelis

According to a report in The Jerusalem Post, Libyan manpads have been used against Israeli forces. The IDF has refused to officially comment on reports that Palestinian terrorists fired a shoulder-launched surface-to-air missile at an IAF helicopter over Gaza last week. According to the report, which appeared in Yediot Aharonot…

Afghanistan in Transition: The Danish Role

10/03/2012: As 2014 approaches, the date which ISAF has earmarked to handover security responsibility to the Afghan forces, the Danes, although still involved in ground operations, are focusing more of their efforts on mentoring and training the Afghan army and police. Captain Strunge, Officer in charge of Danish Mentors, RC…

All Aussie F-35 maintenance to be performed in Australia

Kym Bergmann / Canberra Speaking to the media on August 23 August in Canberra, Lockheed Martin’s F-35 program manager Tom Burbage explained that once Australia’s F-35s are delivered they will never have to return to the US for maintenance. He seemed surprised that the media was surprised by the information,…

A Visit to Seville : The 400M and Casa AC Updates

09/30/2012: A Visit to Seville : A Visual Update on the 400M and Casa AC [slidepress gallery='400m'] Credit Photos: Airbus Military In the first two pictures, A400Ms in the final leg of their journey in Seville are pictured.  Three of the aircraft to be delivered next year where in the facility:…