10/15/2015: The Norwegians are serious about defense. And they are investing in capabilities to provide deterrence against their aggressive neighbor, the Russian bear. In the rollout of the first Norwegian F-35, Norwegian defense officials made it clear that there were focused on transforming their forces, with the F-35 as a…
2015-10-12 By Robbin Laird During my visit to Europe in the early Fall of 2015, one of the subjects of interest was the cross cutting modernization of the Eurofighter with the introduction of the F-35. Clearly, the Royal Air Force and the Italian Air Force are key players in this…
2015-10-08 Whether discussing the evolution of airpower in Japan, South Korea, Australia, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, or Italy, there is little question that the F-35 is seen as not only a priority but a key element for reshaping or renorming airpower. The Norwegians have made this abundantly clear as…
2015-10-08 The Japanese released their 2015 White Paper in July and have published an English version as well. They also released a look back at defense activities in 2014. With regard to the security environment facing Japan the judgement is direct: “The security environment surrounding Japan has become increasingly severe,…
2015-10-07 By Robbin Laird During my recent trip to Italy, I had a chance to discuss with senior Italian Air Force officers the way ahead with regard to Italian airpower. The Italians, like the British, are undergoing a double transition, whereby the Eurofighter is being modernized in two ways: namely,…
2015-10-03 By Robbin Laird I recently returned from Australia where the Royal Australian Air Force is put in motion what they call Plan Jericho. In effect, the RAAF is providing the Australian Defense Force with an approach to transform jointness, or how the various elements of the ADF can work…
2015-10-03 By Robbin Laird My last visit to a Royal Australian Air Force base during my visit to Australia in August 2015 was to Williamtown Air Base, which is the home for the Surveillance and Response Group (SRG) as well as the key fighter squadrons. Prior to a round table…
2015-09-27 By Robbin Laird Earlier I have visited the Queen Elizabeth and discussed the initial approach to shaping a cross-modernization strategy for the Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force. The SLD team has visited the RAF based at Beaufort USMC Air Station and talked with the team there about…