Visiting the HDMS Niels Juel: An Interview with Commander Lars Holbaek

2014-11-16  Visiting the HDMS Niels Juel: An Interview with Commander Lars Holbaek Second Line of Defense visited the new Danish frigate, the HDMS Niels Juel, which had just participated in Bold Alligator 2014, and which constituted its first overseas engagement. We interviewed Commander Lars Holbaek about his ship, its capabilities,…

Airpower in the Next Two Decades of the 21st Century: Secretary Wynne Looks Ahead

2014-11-08 By Michael W. Wynne In the development of airpower, one has to look ahead and not backward and figure out what is going to happen, not too much what has happened. — Brigadier General William 'Billy' Mitchell, USAS 1926. Although we are only fourteen percent of the way through…

Lessons Learned At Fallon: The USN Trains for Forward Leaning Strike Integration

2014-11-14 By Robbin Laird and Ed Timperlake The USN both in its carriers and its amphibious fleet provides a significant expeditionary capability. The USMC-USN team has been reshaping amphibious assault forces under the influence of the Osprey, the coming of the F-35B, the addition of new ships such as the…

Training for the Extended Battlespace: An Interview with Rear Admiral Scott Conn, Commander, Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center

2014-11-04 By Ed Timperlake and Robbin Laird As we concluded our visit to The Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center, we had a chance to discuss the Center and the way ahead with Rear Admiral Scott Conn, Commander of the Center. Rear Admiral Conn has had a distinguished career as…