UK 16 Regiment Royal Artillery Now Deploying Advanced Air Defence System

  According to a UK Ministry of Defence news story published on December 6, 2021, sky sabre, a state-of-the art air defence system is replacing the legacy Rapier system. 16 Regiment Royal Artillery is now accepting into service the first tranche of Sky Sabre and further procurements will be configured…

Working USMC and US Navy Integration: 2nd ESG and 2nd MEB

During our visit to II MEF last summer, the CG of II MEF, LtGen Beaudreault highlighted the importance of agreements between 2nd ESG and II MEF to work more closely together. Recently, the two commands held a joint war-fighting symposium to do precisely that. According to a USMC press release…

The Coming of the CH-53K to the USMC: A December 2021 Update

The photo slideshow contained in this article highlights the next round of preparation for the coming of the CH-53K to the operating force. According to II MEF: "U.S. Marines with Marine Operational Test and Evaluation Squadron One (VMX-1) test the capabilities of the CH-53K King Stallion on Marine Corps Base…

The British Army Shapes Its Modernization Strategy

In an article published on the UK Ministry of Defence website on November 25, 2021, MOD announced a way ahead for UK Army modernization. Following on from the Integrated Review and the significant increase in defence spending announced by the Government last year, Future Soldierdemonstrates how the Army is modernising to…

November and December 2021: A Compendium of Our Articles

In this report, we have included articles we have published in November and December 2021. They cover a wide variety of topics and the table of contents for the report is as follows: For a PDF version of the report, see below: [pdf-embedder url=""] For an e-book version of the…

The Evolution of the Viper Attack Helicopter: JAGM Testing

Recently, VMX-1 tested the Viper Attack Helicopter with the JAGM weapon, and for the purpose of enhancing the Marine Corps's capability to support maritime/littoral missions. This is how the December 2, 2021 USMC press release described the effort: HEADQUARTERS MARINE CORPS – Marines from Marine Operational Test & Evaluation Squadron…

Indo-Pacific Endeavour 2021 and Australian Defence

By Justin Burke The announcement of the AUKUS partnership has prompted the old accusation that Australia is ‘trying to find its security from Asia rather than in Asia’ to resurface in public debate, most recently in former prime minister Paul Keating’s recent National Press Club address. The basis for this…

The G/ATOR and Expeditionary Warfare

By Ashley Calingo, Marine Corps Systems Command Force Design 2030 details Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. David Berger’s vision for maintaining the relevance of the Corps in the new age of great power competition. Developed to enable the Marine Corps to adapt and outmaneuver its adversaries, Force Design 2030…