2013-06-09 The A330MRTT built by Airbus Military is an unusual product. It can combine tanking a diversity of air platforms with the fuel carried in its wings, with significant cargo or passenger capacity as well. This multi-mission character of the plane – many things at once rather than having to…
2013-06-07 (Updated) Coordinating an amphibious task force is complex and challenging. When the amphibious task force expands to become an expeditionary strike group supported by USAF and USN fires, coupled with C5ISR, it becomes even more complex. The Bold Alligator 2013 exercise was synthetic based and is the latest effort…
2013-06-06 Airbus Military is the 21st Century version of CASA. As such, it combines the CASA heritage, and the C-212, and CN-235 with new products, notably the new A330MRTT tanker and the strategic-tactical blend of an airlifter, the A400M. At the Trade Media Brief held at the end of May…
2013-06-05 By Robbin Laird The trade media journalists who attended the Airbus Trade Media Brief in late May 2013 were given a chance to fly the A400M. The event was identified on the program as “undisclosed” event but was disclosed by the CEO of Airbus Military on May 30th at a…
[slidepress gallery='11th-meu-and-the-japanese-self-defense-force-during-exercise-dawn-blitz'] 2013-06-06 Exercise Dawn Blitz 2013 is being held currently off the West Coast of the United States. Dawn Blitz 2013 is a scenario-driven, simulation-supported amphibious exercise designed to train Expeditionary Strike Group 3 (ESG 3) and 1st Marine Expeditionary Brigade (1st MEB). The initial, synthetic scenario occurred Jan.…
2013-06-06 As the USMC expects IOC of the F-35 in 2015, and the USAF in 2016, and the Navy in 2018 or 2019, the fleet is expanding to prepare for this process. IOC Report (For the USMC approach to a con-ops driven insertion of the F-35B see the following: https://sldinfo.com/the-ace-of-the-future-yuma-and-beyond-2/). A…
2013-06-05 After the conclusion of the BOLD ALLIGATOR 2013 exercise, we had a chance to talk with Col Bradley Weisz, Deputy Commander for the ESG TWO, about the exercise and the way ahead. Col Weisz provided some insights with regard to a number of activities in BOLD ALLIGATOR 2013, which had…
2013-06-05 We have just published a new Special Report. This one deals with Bold Alligator 2013 and complements an earlier one on Bold Alligator 2012. This exercise tested out how to shape new ways to forge a capable insertion force using the seabase. Especially noteworthy has been the testing of…