2013-06-05 After the conclusion of the BOLD ALLIGATOR 2013 exercise, we had a chance to talk with Col Bradley Weisz, Deputy Commander for the ESG TWO, about the exercise and the way ahead. Col Weisz provided some insights with regard to a number of activities in BOLD ALLIGATOR 2013, which had…
2013-06-05 We have just published a new Special Report. This one deals with Bold Alligator 2013 and complements an earlier one on Bold Alligator 2012. This exercise tested out how to shape new ways to forge a capable insertion force using the seabase. Especially noteworthy has been the testing of…
2013-06-05 With our new partnership with Defence Web, we will bring our readers from time to time articles from our partner which highlights developments of interest to our U.S. and global readers. A key theme for Second Line of Defense is shaping 21st century forces for 21st century missions. In…
2013-06-04 Bold Alligator 2013 was a synthetic training exercise. This meant that the key combat assets were networked and operated together interactively in response to “events” generated by the scenarios and challenges set by the exercise. Bold Alligator 2012 was a live exercise as will be Bold Alligator 2014, and…
2013-05-22 Australia is re-shaping its forces as it deals with the dynamics of change in the Pacific and its roles and tasks post-Afghanistan. Part of the future approach will be provided by the delivery of a new capability in the Aussie force structure, namely a large LHD or Amphibious Assault…
2013-05-22 By Robbin Laird The USN-USMC team learns in the context of a joint and combined exercise Bold Alligator – the largest annual, amphibious exercise conducted. It is also a great opportunity for an outsider to learn many things, and probably none more interesting than to learn from the young warfighters…
2013-05-22 A key element of shaping a 21st century approach to military operations is the reconfiguration of the force to incorporate expeditionary logistics. Rather than putting a WALMART in place, designing a Kracken defense force for the WALMART, and then moving against the objective area, there is a key trend afoot…
In an April 30, 2013 interview with Rear Admiral Bill Moran, Director of Air Warfare (OPNAV N98), the approach of the US Navy in combining several naval air transitions with the introduction of the USS Ford was the focus of conversation. In a recent co-authored article, the Admiral had looked…