The Global Impact of Chinese Arms Exports: Another Aspect of the Korean Crisis

2013-04-14 The North Korean crisis reminds us that the role of Chinese arms exports and technology transfer are already globally significant. The involvement of China in the proliferation of nuclear technology to Pakistan, North Korea, and Iran is a key element in supporting triangular trade among the emergent nuclear club.  As…

The Way Ahead with the F-35B: A Discussion with the Deputy Commandant for Aviation

2013-04-11 In a discussion in late March 2013, Lieutenant General Robert E. Schmidle Jr., the Marine Corps Deputy Commandant for Aviation (DCA), discussed the F-35B and the evolving Marine Corps approach to the aircraft. The DCA highlighted a number of key changes associated with the introduction of the F-35B into…

The Role of Airpower in 21st Century Operations

2013-04-10 Concluding remarks by Lt. General (Retired) David Deptula at the recent International Conference on Air and Space Power in Istanbul Turkey held 28-29 March 2013. This conference gave us the chance to discuss the potential of air and space power’s contribution to 21st Century warfare, and to…