The Mali Intervention : An Initial Assessment

2013-02-03 By Lt. General (Retired) Gaviard In a recent interview with the French weekly, L’Express, Lt. General (Retired) Gaviard discussed the progress of the French intervention to date. At this stage in the Serval operation, what are the reasons for the French armed forces success in Mali? The first phase of…

Russia’s Latest SSBN Goes to Sea: Highlighting the “Return” of the Russian Navy

2013-02-01 By Richard Weitz Russia’s new (fourth) generation Project Mk 955 Borey-class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine (SSBN), equipped with the new RSM-56 Bulava (NATO code name SS-NX-30) Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM), officially entered service with the Russian Navy’s Northern Fleet this month. Christened the Yuri Dolgoruky, the ship was under…

France, Europe and The Mali Challenge

2013-02-01 In a recent interview with the weekly newsmagazine, L’Express, Lt. General (Retired) Gaviard discussed France, Europe and the Mali crisis. Why are the European states reticent to engage with the French forces in the Serval operation? Historically, France always had a hard time convincing European countries to commit at…