2012-11-18 In a recent piece by Kym Bergmann in a Defence Special Report in the Weekend Australian, October 27-28 2012) an update has been provided on the development of the new Eurocopter Tiger helicopter with the Australian forces. As Bergmann notes: "The real test of a defense system procurement is…
2012-11-12 In late October 2012, Second Line of Defense sat down with Mr. Jim Strock, Director Seabasing Integration Division and members of his Connectors and Doctrine (C&D) Branch at the Marine Corps Combat Development Command MCCDC), Quantico, VA to discuss the expected role of the Joint High Speed Vessel (JHSV)…
2012-11-12 In a four-part follow up set of interviews, Second Line of Defense is looking at the role and impact of the USS America. Interviews have been conducted with the prospective commander of the ship, the head of amphibious ship building in the USN, a senior USMC general on its…
2012-11-08 By Robbin Laird Many analysts and politicians have discussed the F-35 as if it was a simple replacement aircraft. And in such conversations, the notion of stealth is seen as a high-end capability needed only sparingly and in specialized circumstances. If this were true, the Marines would not be…
2012-11-06 In a four-part follow up set of interviews, Second Line of Defense is looking at the role and impact of the USS America. Interviews have been conducted with the prospective commander of the ship, the head of amphibious ship building in the USN, a senior USMC general on its role,…
2012-11-05 by Robbin Laird During a visit to the Gulf Coast, I spent two days at the Austal yard visiting the facility to tour the Littoral Combat Ship as well as the Joint High Speed Vessel. I also attended the keel laying for the sixth LCS and talked with some…
2012-11-04 Australia is a major buyer of the Airbus Military 330 tanker. It has benefited significantly from the development of the tanker for the USAF, and unlike the USAF, will benefit from the result. [caption id="attachment_46972" align="alignnone" width="300"] RAAF A330 MRTT (KC-30A) refueling an F-16 through ARBS. Credit Photo: Airbus…
2012-11-04 In a recent piece in The Proceedings, three Marines provide some ideas about how to enhance the capabilities of the Marine Air-Ground Task Force going forward. Col. Todd Desgrosseilliers, Col. William Bowers, and Lt. Col. Christian Wortman focus on the importance or projecting power into anti-access, area-denial (A2/AD) environments. …