The Coming of the AMERICA Class Warship to the USN-USMC Blue-Green Team

2012-09-07 By Robbin Laird When Ed Timperlake and I were commenting on the CNO’s recent piece in the USN Institute Proceedings on platforms and payloads, we underscored how some of the new assets fit into the CNO’s approach. The CNO's approach is reinforced by the kinds of platforms starting to come…

An Australian Perspective on the Way Ahead for a Pacific Strategy

2012-09-06 In a wide-ranging discussion with Air Vice-Marshal (Ret.) John Blackburn, now the Chairman of the influential Australian think tank, the Kokoda Foundation, the key challenges and contributions, which Australia can bring to an evolving Pacific challenge, were highlighted. John Blackburn Biography A key opportunity for getting it right is…

A Day in the Life of the F-35 and the Integrated Training Center

This slideshow provides a view from the F-35 Integrated Training Center of a day in the life of this center. The Joint Strike Fighter is born joint and the training and support approach is rooted in combing service culture with a new approach to joint training. The slideshow has been…