The Right Force in the Right Place at the Right Time: Getting C2 Right

Shaping Expeditionary Command and Control: From Javelin Thrust to Bold Alligator 2012 In an interview with Col. Kevin Iiams, currently the standardization officer for 2nd MAW, the Colonel discussed the evolving approach of the USMC to shaping expeditionary command and control capability.  He discussed his previous experience in Javelin Thrust-11…

Expanding the Toolset: Looking Forward From Bold Alligator 2012

Second Line of Defense had a chance to discuss with Lt. Col. “Uber” Williams who served as Col. Shorter’s deputy from MAG-14 headquarters during Bold Alligator 2012. According to Williams, “While he’s back in Cherry Point running the rest of his MAG, I will be out aboard the Kearsarge basically…

Changing the Mindset: “The ESG-MEB is Not an ARG-MEU on Steroids!”

Second Line of Defense had a chance to sit down with one of the two Harrier squadron commanders aboard the USS Kearsarge during the Bold Alligator 2012 exercise. Earlier, we discussed with Lt. Col. Hermley, Commanding Officer, Marine Attack Squadron 231, MCAS, Cherry Point, and the approach to be followed…

The UK, Allies and Re-thinking the F-35C

3/19/12 by Robbin Laird As Ed Timperlake has argued in a companion piece, the UK shifting from the F-35C to an F-35B/A mix would make inherently good sense. At the heart of the shift is the ability to gain significant flexibility with the use of the new UK carriers…

“A Most Ubiquitous Threat”

Mine Warfare In Bold Alligator-12 and Expeditionary Warrior-12 Scott C. Truver, PhD In a SLD interview (, COL Bradley Weisz, Deputy Commander, Expeditionary Strike Group TWO, highlighted the importance of mine warfare (MIW), particularly mine countermeasures (MCM), in the joint/combined-forces Bold Alligator 2012 exercise conducted in February. “Both ESG-2 and…

The UK Rethinks the F-35C Decision: Shaping a British led Expeditionary Strike Group

3/16/12 by Ed Timperlake The UK is rethinking its carrier aircraft decision.  In large part this is because of the cost necessary to build traps and cats on the Queen Elizabeth class carrier.  In part it is because of the impact of Libya and Bold Alligator in reminding strategists and…