12/12/2011 In early 2012, the USN-USMC team will have the largest Amphibious exercise in many years. This is the largest Amphibious exercise since before 9/11 had such a major impact on military operations. The exercise is being conducted as several USN and USMC assets prepare for deployments. This means that…
12/09/2011 by Ed Timperlake and Robbin Laird Enhanced Efficiencies in Use of Ship Deck Space: The USN-USMC Team Shows the Way As assets are diminished for U.S. defense forces, it is important to enhance the combat value of the assets which remain. Important modernization and upgrades are the essential points. …
[caption id="attachment_12920" align="alignleft" width="150" caption=" "][/caption] By Dr. Richard Weitz 12/02/2011 - Second Line of Defense was recently invited to participate in an open house for Lockheed Martin’s Affordable Innovation Technology Demonstration at the LM Global Vision Center in Arlington, Virginia. The demonstrations from the Lockheed Martin Global Training and…
11/16/2011 By Robbin Laird and Ed Timperlake President Obama is focusing on the Pacific this week and he will go to Australia. The President is scheduled to visit with the Australian Prime Minister, and Darwin, a port city, in the Northern Territories. Darwin is the home of many things; among…
11/10/2011 By Michael Wynne If one recalls the history of the transformation movement, it became embraced by then candidate Bush in his speech at the Citadel and then he followed through on the speech as president. The calls for a revolution in military affairs now became defense transformation. In all…
10/31/2011 During the visit to the USS Wasp on October 18th, the NAVSEA 05 Engineering Director provided an update on both the preparation for tests aboard the USS Wasp as well as a sense of test results and the relationship between the tests and the way ahead. Ansis Kalnajs, the…
10/31/2011 by Ed Timperlake "Can't anybody here play this game?" Casey Stengel More than three months have passed since Undersecretary Robert Work’s July 7th 2011 Memo “Navy Tactical Air (TACAIR) Portfolio Analysis-Warfighter Capability and Affordability Trades” http://www.sldforum.com/2011/08/under-secretary-of-the-navy-robert-works-july-tac-air-memo/ The memo was written while U.S. forces were engaged in combat in Operation “Odyssey…
10/31/2011 In a discussion with reporters aboard the USS Wasp during F-35B shipboard trials. we caught up again with test pilot of the year "Squirt" Kelly. As readers of SLD know, we have discussed the F-35 on previous visits to Pax River. https://sldinfo.com/the-f-35-pilot/ https://sldinfo.com/test-pilot-of-the-year/ https://sldinfo.com/fly-testing-the-f-35-a-building-block-approach/ [caption id="attachment_26022" align="alignleft" width="170"] Lt.…