HMAS Canberra Returns from Regional Presence Deployment 2020

According to the Australian Department of Defence in a press release dated August 13, 2020: "HMAS Canberra and embarked forces returned to Australia after successfully completing Regional Presence Deployment 2020. "The Australian Defence Force has embarked on a regional deployment to conduct exercises within Southeast Asia and Hawaii over the…

A Naval Air Station Pax River Update on the CH-53K: August 2020

According to an August 21, 2020 release by Naval Air Station Patuxent River, the CH-53K sea trials went extremely well. A team of pilots and engineers from Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (HX) 21 based at Naval Air Station Patuxent River recently completed a crucial series of sea trials of…

German Platform Decisions: How to Compare Pegasus With Global 6000

By Robbin Laird With the US Navy’s FMS Offer to Germany for Triton having expired without being extended, Germany is now pursuing a manned aircraft alternative for the SIGINT mission. The approach would be to buy three Bombardier G6000 aircraft and equip them as special mission aircraft. Germany already has…

USS Tripoli Joins the Fleet: Re-Imaging the Role of L-Class Ships

We tracked in some detail of the coming of the new class of LHAs to the fleet. The flagship is LHA-6, the USS America. These ships represent a significant break from the past in that it can operate as a flagship of an amphibious task force with unprecedented airpower onboard.…

Exercise TRIDENT TRAP: July 2020

The first Exercise TRIDENT TRAP was conducted in July 2020. EX TT20 is a joint Royal Australian Air Force and Royal Australian Navy anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare exercise. P-8A Poseidon aircrew and maintenance personnel from RAAF Number 11 Squadron together with support staff from Number 92 Wing based at RAAF Base…

Shaping a Mission Solutions Approach To Build Out the Integrated Distributed Force

By Robbin Laird Clearly, the shift to joint warfare encompassing all domains, the impact of COVID-19 on the economy and work approaches and styles, and the growing impact of commercial investments in 5G communications or artificial intelligence in managing data are all having a significant impact on the way ahead…

RAAF Participates in the Regional Presence Deployment at Anderson AFB, Guam

More than 150 Royal Australian Air Force personnel have travelled to the United States’ Anderson Air Force Base in Guam to participate in the Regional Presence Deployment from July 21 – August 2. Along with strike and surveillance aircraft, the air task unit is part of a series of routine…

Seahawk, Fire Scout and Shaping a Way Ahead for the Kill Web Force

By Robbin Laird During my visit to Jax Navy and Mayport, I had a chance to meet with the leaders of the Seahawk squadron at Mayport and will highlight those discussions in future articles. But also had the opportunity to talk via teleconference with CDR Gregory Knutson, the CO of the…