The UK in Baltic Defense: The View from Moray, Scotland

The RAF is participating in the current Baltic Air Policing effort with Spain and France. An article by Sean McAngus published on June 26, 2020 by The Press and Journal highlighted the role of RAF Lossiemouth aircraft in the effort. Crews from RAF Lossiemouth based at Šiauliai Air Base, Lithuania,…

O.K I am a P-8 Operator: But How do I Train to Work in a Kill Web?

By Robbin Laird Kill webs rely on networks, wave forms, connectivity, distributed C2 and platforms which can leverage all of the former. Platforms are the time-space entities which enable the force; integrability allows a distributed force to deliver the desired combat effect. At Jax Navy, the P-8 operators are trained…

The Maritime Patrol Reconnaissance Enterprise and Man Machine Teaming

By Robbin Laird With the coming of the P-8/Triton dyad the U.S. Navy is paving a way ahead for collaborative concepts of operations between manned and remotely piloted aircraft operating in the Pacific. But also, the US Navy’s MPR community is working man-machine teaming with regard to its P-8 as…

Next Steps in Ch-53Ks Key Role in Support for Mobile Basing

By Robbin Laird In our recent series on mobile basing, we highlighted the evolution of USMC capabilities which can enable ways ahead with regard to mobile basing. We have argued that for the USAF and the US Navy, the capability of the USMC to provide chess pieces on the kill…

The Royal Australian Navy Re-Launches its Combat Training Exercises

By Lieutenant Ryan Zerbe Seven warships sailed in the past week from Navy bases on both sides of the country to undertake a range of training activities to test newly upgraded systems and exercise as part of a maritime task group. HMA Ships Canberra, Hobart and Stuart departed Fleet Base East in Sydney, while HMA Ships Anzac, Arunta,…

Standing C2 on Its Head: It is a Force Generator, Not Simply a Force Enabler

By Robbin Laird As we work through force structure change to deal with the new strategic environment, terms like C2, ISR and training are being changed significantly. New concepts of operations are being shaped, with modifications of existing platforms to play new roles and responsibilities, and new platforms being designed…

Digital Interoperability and Kill Web Perspective for Platform Modernization: The Case of the Viper Attack Helicopter

By Robbin Laird With integratability comes an opportunity to shape a kill web approach to platform modernization. It is a question of how the whole is greater than the sum of the parts, and what each platform not only can contribute to the whole, but what it needs to be…

Expanded Use of Distributed Test Operations

By Samuel King Jr., Team Eglin Public Affairs / Published June 01, 2020 EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. A typical F-15E Strike Eagle munition-testing sortie changed drastically here recently in terms of how mission data moved across the Air Force Test Center enterprise. The 96th Test Wing’s personnel used distributed test…