Reshaping Fighter Operations in the Air Combat Space: Atlantic Trident 2017

2017-05-01 by Todd Miller Atlantic Trident ’17 brought together in type and capability the most advanced 21st century allied combat fighter force being flown today. The exercise held April 12 – 28 at Joint Base Langley-Eustice (JBLE) included a “Blue Air” force of USAF F-22 Raptors of the 1st Fighter…

Designing the Integrated Force: The Australian Defense Force Repositions for the Next Phase of 21st Century Force Structure Development

2017-04-27 By Robbin Laird On April 11, 2017, the Williams Foundation held its latest seminar on shaping a way ahead in the shaping of a 21st century combat force. This seminar followed a series of seminars exploring the coming of a fifth generation force and the way ahead for reshaping…

SACEUR Visits RAF Lakenheath With Arrival of USAF F-35s

04/25/2017: General Curtis Scaparrotti, Commander of European Command and Supreme Allied Commander Europe, visited Airmen at RAF Lakenheath in conjunction with a deployment of F-35A Lightning II’s. He highlighted the the significance of the arrival of F-35s to the modernization of the joint and coalition force operating in defense of the North Atlantic. What…

Crafting a 21st Century Combat Force: Air Marshal (Retired) Brown Focuses on the Challenge for the United States

2017-04-26 By Robbin Laird Shifting from a primary focus on the counterinsurgency focused land wars of the last 15 years to shaping a high intensity combat force, which can prevail against peer competitors, is a significant challenge for the United States and its closest allies. A key dynamic within this…

VMFA-121 Update

04/28/2017: This video contains footage of Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 121 conducting ordnance reload training on the F-35B’s with the engine running for the first time ever on Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni. U.S. Marines with Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron (VMGR) 152 conducted aviation delivered ground refueling with Marine Fighter…