Unmanned Integration at Sea: A Perspective on Task Force 59

By Robbin Laird We are working on a longer term effort examining how autonomous systems can be integrated into fleet operations. Most analysis of the way ahead with regard to maritime unmanned, remote or autonomous systems has focused on the challenge of shaping acceptance of trusted autonomous systems, which makes…

From the Amphibious Force to Expeditionary Seabasing: Supporting Mobile Basing as a Strategic Capability

By Robbin Laird I have argued that under the impact of the Osprey and the F-35B, the ARG-MEU is evolving into something more akin to a modular amphibious task force. As the U.S. Navy works ways to more effectively integrate such a development with the wider fleet, the emergence of…

Distributed Operations and Heavy-Lift: Connecting the Dots and Sustaining the Force

By Robbin Laird During my recent visit to MAWTS-1, I had a chance to talk with two Marine Corps officers with significant experience in working force distribution and sustainment issues with USMC heavy lift assets. With the coming of the CH-53K, the capability of the USMC to work distributed operations,…

ADF and Allied Perspectives on the Way Ahead for Force Modernization

On March 24, 2022, the Williams Foundation held its first of two seminars to be held this year. The seminar was the latest in a series of seminars which started in 2014, and have been focused on the evolution of the ADF to deal with the evolving threats and challenges…

Training for Enhanced Lethality and Survivability

By Robbin Laird I recently finished my latest report for The Williams Foundation on their March 24, 2022, seminar which focused on shaping a way ahead for the integrated networked force. The moderator for the seminar was John Conway, a noted Australian defense analyst and former RAF officer. In his…

FARPs, Fuel and Expeditionary Basing

By Robbin Laird During my recent visit to MAWTS-1 in April 2022, I had a chance to talk with SSgt Kyle Coutts, a specialist on fuels and providing fuel to an expeditionary force. As the Marines focus on expanding and extending their capabilities to distribute their forces to operate from…

Accelerating the Transition to a Networked, Integrated Force: A Defense Industrial Perspective

By Robbin Laird Three representatives of the defense industry provided their perspectives on the way ahead for the networked integrated force at the Williams Foundation seminar on March 24, 2022. Those three representatives were: Tom Rowden, Vice President International Strategy and Business Development for Rotary and Mission Systems (RMS) at…

ADF Perspectives on the Way Ahead for the Networked Integrated Force

By Robbin Laird At the March 24, 2022 Williams Foundation Seminar on the networked integrated force, six ADF officers provided insights with regard to the way ahead for the ADF in building out its networked integrated force. The RAAF perspective was provided by Air Marshal Mel Hupfeld, Chief of the…