Japan to Purchase First 4 F-35As, June 2012

Parliamentary Senior Vice-Minister of Defense, Shu Watanabe, revealed at the House of Representatives Security Council that Japan and the U.S. would seal a contract to purchase first four F-35s before June 30. Both Governments have almost agreed on the unit price 10.2 billion JPY, 300 million JPY higher than the…

MCAS Yuma Invests Almost $400M Prior to Arrival of F-35 Squadrons

By Joyce Lobeck for the Yuma Sun Marine Corps Air Station Yuma is bustling with activity as it prepares for the November or December arrival of the first F-35B Joint Strike Fighter jets that will be based here. The first six projects are nearing completion, and work is starting on…

Enabling the Global F-35 Fleet: Shaping a Common Logistical Approach

6/8/12: We have focused earlier on what is in the baseline F-35 in terms of capability. https://www.sldinfo.com/the-baseline-f-35/ One aspect of the baseline aircraft which we did not focus on in that discussion was the common global language built into every manufactured aircraft which comes off the assembly line. Because the…

The Aussie Air Chief on the Strategic Need for the F-35

Air Chief Wants Major Military Spend By David Ellery The Sydney Morning Herald http://www.smh.com.au/national/air-force-chief-wants-major-military-spend-20120606-1zvy6.html Excerpts: A hawkish Chief of Air Force, Air Marshal Geoff Brown, has called for a major spend on Australia's air warfare capability to counter possible regional instability. Heading his wish list for the 2020s are at…

The Impact of the F-35B: Strategic Deterrence with Tactical Flexibility

5/27/12: by Ed Timperlake Every fighter pilot has had or will have a moment in the air when the biggest indicator in the cockpit is showing how much fuel is left: the fuel indicator immediately can dominate the pilots attention and really focus thinking on where to immediately land. Fuel…

Turkey assertive in aeronautics business

İZMİR – Anatolia News Agency Turkey can be as significant a production base in aeronautics as it is in automotives, Turkey’s Defense Industries Undersecretary Murad Bayar said yesterday, at a press conference as the Global Industrial Cooperation conference 2012 kicked off. Touching on the benefits of Turkey’s participation in Lockheed…