The Osprey Tanking the F-35: “Multi-Mission Everything”

2016-05-06 By Robbin Laird When Lt. General Davis, the Deputy Commandant of Aviation spoke at the Williams Foundation seminar on new approaches to air-land integration, he described a key aspect of the evolving Marine Corps approach with their air assets as “multi-mission everything". Technology is important to this effort, and…

The RAF and Royal Navy Prepare for the F-35 (Video)

2016-05-06 According to the UK MoD: "Royal Navy and Royal Air Force Pilots are training to fly the new state-of-the-art stealth jet the F-35B Lightning II alongside their US counterparts at Marine Air Corps Station Beaufort, South Carolina. The highly advanced 5th generation jet will come into UK service from…

F-35s at Luke AFB: Dropping GBU 12s

05/03/2016: An F-35 Lightning II from the 61st Fighter Squadron lines up into an attack route in preparation to drop a GBU-12 500-pound laser-guided bomb, April 25, 2016, at the Barry M. Goldwater Range in Gila Bend, Ariz. Three F-35s successfully delivered six inert GBU-12s during the practice bombing, making the 61st FS the…

New Approaches to Air-Land Integration: A New Special Report

2016-04-19  On March 17, 2016, the Williams Foundation held its latest seminar on fifth generation enabled combat operations, this one focused on new approaches to air-land integration. The terms of reference for the seminar highlighted the way ahead. “Air forces need to be capable of delivering air and space power…

From Deployments to the Baltic Region to Empowering the Kill Web in Defense of the Homeland: UK Evolution?

2016-04-09 By Robbin Laird In a recent UK MoD announcement concerning the UK role in Baltic defense, it was announced that RAF Typhoons will be deployed along with the HMS Iron Duke. This is clearly designed to operate forward an to provide for NATO defense in the Baltic region. As…

RAF Marham Gets Ready for the F-35: A Strategic Opportunity for the RAF and the USAF to Shape Common Support Capabilities for the F-35 Fleet

2016-04-09 According to an article on the UK Ministry of Defence website, the Ministry of Defence has announced contracts worth 167 million pounds to upgrade and build new facilities at RAF Marham, the future home of the UK F-35B Lightning II squadrons. The contracts, which will create 300 new jobs,…

Building from Airpower Integration in the Middle East To Shape a More Integrated and Capable Australian Defence Force: The Perspective of Air Commander Australia

2016-04-04 By Robbin Laird Air Vice-Marshal Gavin Turnbull is the Air Commander Australia. Air Command is the operational arm of the Royal Australian Air Force. The Commander is responsible for all operational Air Force tasks, and reports to the Chief of Air Force. The Air Commander raises trains and sustains…