Re-Shaping Logistical Support and Decision-Making: The Case of the 21st Century Hanger

2015-04-28 By Robbin Laird Leveraging commercial technologies for defense purposes and learning from applications of commercial systems to defense needs provides an important learning cycle for cost reduction and enhanced effectiveness for logistics management systems. The GlobeRanger software systems and decision-making tools are positioned for the sweet spot to provide…

Reshaping Global Logistics Support for Allied Capabilities: The Fujitsu Approach

2015-04-14 By Robbin Laird Logistics is certainly the dark art or science of military capability. Indeed, one problem facing broader understanding of the centrality of logistics, notably expeditionary logistics in support of joint or coalition operations, is that the crucial role of logistics in operations is not viewed by politicians…

Shaping a Value Proposition in Logistical Support and Training: A Discussion with Lt. General (Retired) Robling About Meeting the Challenge

2015-04-20 By Robbin Laird Lt. General Robling recently retired as Commanding General, Marine Corps Forces Pacific (CG MARFORPAC) and is now serving as the CEO of PKL Services, Inc. (PKL), an aerospace services firm. PKL is headquartered in Poway, California, and throughout its now ten years of operation, has employed…

Next Steps in the F-35 Global Enterprise: Cameri’s First F-35A and Norwegian-Australian Collaboration on the Joint Strike Missile

2015-03-15 The F-35 is not simply a replacement airplane; it is a 21st century air combat system embedded within a unique global enterprise. On the one hand, the commonality of the software on the F-35 allows for allies to develop missiles for "their" F-35s and have "their" missiles available for…