An Update on F-35 Manufacturability

[caption id="attachment_32648" align="alignleft" width="300"] Frank Dougherty During the SLD Interview (Credit: SLD)[/caption] 01/30/2012 - During Second Line of Defense’s annual visit to the F-35 manufacturing facility, Frank Dougherty, Vice President, F-35 Production Operations provided an update on F-35 manufacturability.  Dougherty has extensive experience with both the F-22 and the F-16,…

The USCG Gets It Right: The 13th Ocean Sentry Aircraft Arrives Ahead of Schedule

The USCG C-130 and Ocean Sentry fleet provide significant and crucial coverage for the maritime air arm for the USCG. As we have argued: The maritime patrol aircraft, the C-130s and the helos form together the surveillance, lift and action team, which provide significant capabilities to extend the reach of…

Tail Hook is More Than a Party

01/26/12 by Ed Timperlake Since the term “Tailhook” entered the vernacular (as a rowdy out of control party because of a social engineering agenda that set that media template), American’s may have lost sight that a real tail hook is a deadly serious piece of equipment. It was said during…

An Update on F-35 Manufacturability: The Global Perspective

01/22/12 In a recent Inside the Navy report from Jason Sherman, it was reported that LRIPs 7 and 8 are to increase their orders by 40%. (Jason Sherman, “LRIPs 7, 8 to jump 40%,” Inside the Navy (1/09/12). The key driver in this upsurge is foreign orders.  Mentioned in the…

Defense Reform Revisited: The Case of Amphibious Ships

01/17/2011 by Vince Martinez Defense reform is both possible and necessary as the force is restructured.  Indeed, NOT doing so will lead to a hollow force. Now that the cards have been played relative to the defense budget cuts and service level downsizing, it is time for government and industry alike…

The Japanese F-35 Decision: A Building Block in A New Pacific Strategy

01/08/2012 - by Robbin Laird The F-35 will be a cornerstone of Japanese defense.  The Japanese know something about technology.  As a leader in technology worldwide, the Japanese decision validates the cutting edge role of the F-35. The F-35 is the first aircraft in history which can see 360 degrees…

Turkey Orders Its First F-35s: Another Brick Falls Into Place (Updated)

01/06/2012 by Robbin Laird Turkey yesterday ordered its first two production F-35s.  Allies and partners continue to show support for the plane, while Inside the Beltway continues to miss the point.  The plane is an essential element for 21st century combat operations and capabilities.  Allies in Asia and the Middle…

The Super Tucano has won the LAS competition: Lingering Questions

01/04/2012 By Ed Timperlake There is tremendous news for the American/NATO war effort in Afghanistan. With the selection of the Super Tucano, the Afghan Army Air Force can now begin to develop a combat capable air fleet for the Afghan Air Force. Doing so is part of the process of…