New Report: Would You Actually Like to Kill Hypersonic Cruise Missiles Rather than Just See the Attack from Space

It is not just about getting better intelligence through space-based systems to have an historical record of what killed you. It is about the kill web executing the kill function. This report focuses on the way ahead now and for the five year period ahead. The future is now; the…

The Future is Now: The US Navy, the Kill Web and Dealing with Putin’s Challenge

By Ed Timperlake President Putin has just given all in America a wakeup call, but  to the Russian Military everlasting regret if combat ever breaks out  the US Navy is always ready-NOW.  Over fifty years ago, 1965, in Bancroft Hall at the United States Naval Academy, Plebes (freshmen) were required…

Shaping a Way Ahead to Deal with Hypersonic High Speed Cruise Missiles

By Ed Timperlake My initial 2011 paper “winning Air/Sea Battle” only looked at F-35 as early warning platform [note] [/note] Essentially, I focused in that paper on the F-35s as providing a “heads up” to fleet surface ships about “incoming” missiles threats but in the non-stealth mode the F-35 can carry…

Building Out the US and Allied Aegis Integrated Defense Capability: The Japanese Add to the Deterrent Force

The enhanced capability of the US and allied navies is coming not just from platforms but from kill web integration. There is no greater case in point than how the US Navy and the allies are integrating their Aegis destroyers. Earlier, this year, the Australian Navy demonstrated its ability to…

Zumwalt Arrives in Canada

ESQUIMALT, British Columbia – The namesake of the U.S. Navy’s newest class of guided-missile destroyer USS Zumwalt (DDG 1000), arrived in Esquimalt, British Columbia, March 11.  “We are excited for this opportunity to visit Canada and further strengthen the close partnership between our navies and communities,” said Capt. Andrew Carlson,…

Shaping a 21st Century Kill Web Approach to ASW: Leveraging the S Cubed Revolution

By Ed Timperlake A game changer in weapon effectiveness and a way ahead to deal with a most “wicked problem” facing the US Navy today is how to effectively counter Putin’s threat of using HSCMs, notably aboard submarines.   My preliminary  analysis on how to engage with evolving HSCM and…

Reshaping the Norwegian Defence Force: Key Acquisitions in the Next 7 Years

We have focused for some time on the importance of the modernization efforts of the Nordics in dealing with the return of the direct defense challenge in Europe. A key state in the effort has clearly been Norway. Recently, the Norwegian government released their defence plan for the next seven…