The Certainty of Uncertainty: Brazil and Its Fall Presidential Elections

By Kenneth Maxwell With the Presidential election in Brazil due this October the country remains profoundly split between uncompromising extremes. And the political scene remains highly uncertain. Hovering in the background is the figure of the ex-president of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, better known as Lula. He is…

An Update on F-35 Manufacturing: Donald Kinard Talks with Aerospace Manufacturing

Ed Hill, Aerospace Manufacturing In this Q&A session Don Kinard, Lockheed Martin senior fellow F-35 production, discusses with Ed Hill how the defence giant is applying automation, robotics and additive manufacturing to production of the F-35 Lightning II. Q) At what stages have you introduced more automation in your aircraft construction. Is…

Visiting VMX-1 at MCAS Yuma: Working MAGTF Modernization

By Robbin Laird What was clear from my visit to MAWTS-1 and getting a chance to look at the work of the latest WTI is that the Marines are working ways to enhance the combat capability of the MAGTF but in a way that can reach back to joint assets…

The Coming of the CH-53K from the Standpoint of the Transformation of the MAGTF

By Robbin Laird The CH-53k will replace the CH-53E. It will be the premier heavy lift helicopter. It has a number of key performance characteristics which make it a significant upgrade over the CH-53E, notably, an ability to carry three times of the external load of the CH-53E. There are…

Shaping the Way Ahead for Australian Defense: What Role for Independent Strike Capabilties?

Australia is engaged in a significant process of defense modernization and working closely with its closest allies in this process. But looking beyond what the current trajectory of modernization, what course might Australia follow going forward? We have published a look at paths which Australia might take going forward.…

Drone Shield: A Case Study of the Impact of the New Australian Defense Export Strategy

Recently, we received a note from a company called DroneShield which highlighted not only its product but its assessment of the importance of the new Austrian defense export strategy in supporting its efforts. The note follows: 8 June 2018, Sydney Australia – The Australian developer and manufacturer of cutting-edge high…


On June 17, 2018, Steven Valinski provided his latest article covering USMC developments at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma. In his latest piece he highlighted the most recent MAWTS-1 training event, WTI 2-18. While the main objective is to provide advanced aviation tactical training and certification of unit instructors, USMC…

An Update on Leveraging the F-35 in Shaping a Way Ahead: The Perspective of Air Commodore David Bradshaw

By Robbin Laird Air Commodore Bradshaw was appointed as Lighting Force Commander, Royal Air Force Marham in April 2017 and he succeeded Air Commodore now Air Vice-Marshal H. Smyth. Earlier, I have had the chance to discuss the standing up of the F-35 within the RAF with Air Vice-Marshal Smyth…