A Strategic Opportunity for the Trump Administration: Moscow versus Beijing

2016-11-24 By Richard Weitz During the election campaign, some of Donald Trump’s advisers criticized the Obama administration and its predecessors for adopting policies that alienated Russia and helped drive Moscow toward Beijing, to China’s benefit. They indicated that one reason they wanted to reconcile with Russia was to break this…

Marine Corps Proof of Concept Demo

11/23/2016: Twelve F-35B Lightning II's embarked on USS America (LHA 6) November 19, 2016. The demonstration is the first shipboard Marine Corps F-35B integration demonstration alongside other Marine Corps Air Combat Element assets. With over 22,500 flight hours logged, the F-35B is the most versatile aircraft in the skies today.…

South China Sea Beyond Beijing

2016-11-23 By Danny Lam The South China Sea “Sea Grab” is no less an egregious violation of international law than a “Land Grab” by Russia in the Ukraine. Both cases are virtually identical in that a treaty defined international boundary or limitation was violated. Though in the SCS case, it…

USS America’s Test: Lightning Carrier Proof of Concept Demonstration

11/23/2016:  “F-35B's are changing the way we fight. With over 21,500 flight hours logged, they are the most versatile and technologically advanced aircraft in the skies today.”  This week, the USS America (LHA 6) hosted the largest number of F-35 Lightning II's ever in the Lightning Carrier Proof of Concept Demonstration,…

F-35Bs, the MAGTF and the USS America

11/23/2016: Twelve F-35B Lightning II's embarked on USS America (LHA 6) November 19, 2016. The demonstration is the first shipboard Marine Corps F-35B integration demonstration alongside other Marine Corps Air Combat Element assets. With over 22,500 flight hours logged, the F-35B is the most versatile aircraft in the skies today.  11/19/2016: Video…

Keeping a Promise: Secretary Wynne Visits the FACO in Italy

2016-11-17 By Robbin Laird Secretary Wynne recently visited, the Final Assembly and Check Out Facility, which has been built at Cameri Air Base near Milan. When he last dealt with the FACO it was the germ of an idea in working through how best to involve Italy in the F-35…