BALTOPS 2015: Working Coalition Force Insertion

06/15/2015: by Sgt. Tatum Vayavananda BALTIC SEA – Marines from four NATO nations come together during BALTOPS from June 7-17. U.K. Royal Marine Commandos, Finnish Coastal Jaegers, Swedish and U.S. Marines integrate to practice expeditionary, ship-to-shore assaults to enhance their capability to work together as a combined amphibious force. “The U.K. [Commandos]…

Wedgetail Aircraft Achieves Final Operational Capability

06/15/2015:Australia now has the most advanced air battle space management capability in the world, with the Royal Australian Air Force’s E-7A Wedgetail aircraft achieving Final Operational Capability. The fleet of six Wedgetail aircraft reached the milestone this month with the entire capability, from physical aircraft to logistics, management, sustainment, facilities…

Arctic Challenge Exercise 2015 Ends

06/15/2015: The Arctic challenge exercise is now completed as of June 5 2015. According to the SCAN Post: Arctic Challenge Exercise 2015 (ACE 2015), one of Europe’s largest fighter jet exercises in the Nordic countries with more than 4000 persons participating started on May 25. Lead nation this time is Norway as…

An International Task Force Looks at the Gaza Conflict in 2014: Israel Went the Extra Mile

2015-06-15 Introduction by Ed Timperlake There is a often used phrase in media-"If it Bleeds it Leads" sadly this can easily distort the real truth. Fortunately one of the most distinguished group of experts ever assembled reviewed the combat engagements by Israel in defending all their citizens against an onslaught…

Shaping a New Capability for the Osprey: Delivering the F-35 Engine to the USS Wasp

2015-06-14 By Robbin Laird When visiting the USS Wasp and both seeing part of the operational tests as well as discussing those tests with the US and British personnel involved in the testing, one of the highlights was the demonstration of being able to fly the largest module of the…

Arctic Challenge 2015: Fighter Jets at EFRO

2015-06-13 RVNspotting has an interesting video showing some NATO jets taking off from EFRO. Rovaniemi Airport (Finnish: Rovaniemen lentoasema) (IATA: RVN, ICAO: EFRO) is the fifth biggest airport in Finland by annual number of passengers (in 2012), located in Rovaniemi, Finland, about 10 kilometres (6 mi) north of Rovaniemi city centre. The…