Shaping an Integrated Combat Capability: Leveraging F-35 Commonality

2014-08-28 Earlier, in our discussion with Major Summa, the executive officer of VFMA-121, the first operational U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) F-35 Squadron, the aviator emphasized the impact commonality was already having. Working with the other service pilots provides an important window on where we want to go with the concepts…

A400M in Tanker Tests

2014-08-28 According to a press release today from Airbus Defence and Space: The Airbus A400M new generation airlifter has performed successfully air-to-air refueling tests with a F/A-18 Hornet fighter. The tanker test campaign was developed in five flights in which the A400M performed 33 dry contacts and dispensed 18.6 tons…

Video of the Month: “Workhorse” Becomes First F-35 to Achieve 1,000 Flight Hours

2014-08-23 “Workhorse” Becomes First F-35 to Achieve 1,000 Flight Hours by Kenji Thuloweit 412th Test Wing Public Affairs 6/18/14 Edwards Air Force Base AF-2, the second production F-35 Lightning II for the U.S. Air Force, became the first F-35 to reach 1,000 flight hours. Paul Hattendorf, Lockheed Martin test pilot,…

An Update from Cameri: First Italian F-35 Powered Up

2014-08-26 The Italian F-35 FACO in Cameri, Italy achieved a significant milestone with AL-1 last night. Aircraft structure, hardware and software assembly and integration had progressed to the point where power was applied to the aircraft for the first time. This is a significant achievement and is a testament to…

An Update on F-35 Testing: Maturing Combat Capabilities (August 2014)

2014-08-26 According to a Lockheed Martin press release from August 25, 2014: The L F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program continued a steady path of flight test milestones in August, including weapons separation, software compatibility and flight hours, all demonstrating program maturity. “The test milestones are a direct result of…