The Next Phase of Air Power: Crafting and Enabling the Aerospace Combat Cloud

2014-02-23 by Robbin Laird No platform fights alone.  Technology is increasingly playing a forcing function for significantly greater integration among combat elements in shaping core combat capabilities. The digital enablement of key combat platforms – missile defense, combat air, unmanned systems, ground force connectivity via data links – is providing…

Final F-22 Sorties at Holloman AFB

02/23/2014: Final F-22 Sorties at Holloman AFB  by Senior Airman Colin Cates 49th Wing Public Affairs  1/10/2014 - HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, N.M  Off they go into the wild blue yonder, climbing high into the sun, the first five F-22 Raptors left Holloman for Tyndall Air Force Base Fla., Jan. 6, as…

Osprey CASEVAC Exercise

02/23/2014: U.S. Marines and Navy Corpsmen with 2nd Marine Aircraft (Forward) conduct a casualty evacuation (CASEVAC) rehearsal from Helmand Province, Afghanistan on March 31, 2013. The rehearsal was executed in order to train and prepare Marines and Sailors for a real CASEVAC scenario.  The Osprey provides significant advantages versus helos for…

“Big Army” in Support of Air/Sea Battle: Don’t Meet the PLA Without a Clear Purpose

2014-02-23 by Ed Timperlake A top American military commander said Saturday that the United States Army was working to start a formal dialogue and exchange program with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army before the end of the year. General Odierno said Saturday that a formal high-level army-to-army exchange would be…

The Challenge of Dealing with PTSD: Capt. Joseph P. Schweitzer Comes to Terms with a Dramatic Accident

2014-02-19  Prologue by Ed Timperlake, US Naval Academy, Class 1969 Captain Schweitzer, actually the Mission Commander, not co-pilot, of an ill-fated mission provides a seminal discussion of the challenges and the approach to recovery from a horrible tragedy in Italy in 1998. He narrates his experience, with brutal honesty at the Naval Academy…

Russia Expands its Middle East Presence: The Saudis and UAE Prepare to Fund an Egyptian Arms Deal

2014-02-17 by defenceWeb Egypt is close to finalizing a $3 billion agreement for Russian arms financed by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates following a meeting between Egyptian army chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Russian President Vladimir Putin. The two leaders met in Moscow on February 13. Shortly afterwards,…