2014-01-25 By Robbin Laird While many TV commentators seemed to have spent their time covering the Philippine relief situation doing little but to criticize the performance of the Philippine government (Anderson Cooper certainly comes to mind), key contingents of the USMC and USAF were working rapidly to establish the infrastructure for…
2014-01-25 We have written extensively over the years about the introduction of the Osprey and the USMC approach to learning as you deploy. It is not about the Inside the Beltway “reviewers” determining the point of delivery of capability to the warrior, it is about the warriors themselves shaping combat…
2014-01-24 The Ukraine remains within the Russian zone of influence is the stark reality of global politics today. The Euro crisis and the pressure on NATO to operate within the Euro-Med region leave it with precious few resources to add members. The result has been the Russians working hard to…
2014-01-21 In an interview with the CO of the “Sumos,” he focused on the growing role of the pairing of KC-130Js with Ospreys. I would add that since the arrival of the Ospreys, about 2/3rds of our tanking requirement is to support the long-range assault support capability, which the Osprey provides. …
2014-01-19 By Gulshan Luthra New Delhi. India’s Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is working towards indigenous AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control Systems Aircraft) by about 2020. Dr Avinash Chander, DRDO chief and Scientific Adviser to the Defence Minister, told India Strategic in an interview that some initial capabilities had…
2014-01-19By Gulshan Luthra New Delhi. India’s first indigenous nuclear submarine Arihant should set sail for the sea in about a couple of months, possibly March. According to Dr Avinash Chander, the country’s top scientist who heads the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), the step-by-step powering of the onboard nuclear…
2014-01-19 By Stephen Blank Ten years after the American invasion Iraq is in danger of disintegration. Its stability cannot be taken for granted or even assumed. Evidently Iraq is not far from being a failed state and Syria is already deep in the throes of protracted civil war. Both states may…
2014-01-17 Case 4: Deterring North Korea in the Second Nuclear Age For the United States, the deterrence of North Korea is no longer reduced to the defense of South Korea. It is about deterrence of states emerging in the second nuclear age. There is significant global cross fertilization from the…