2013-04-02 In the first two parts of our series on the build out of the Afghan Air Force, we looked at the importance of the air power transition in Afghanistan and the training of the Afghan Air Force. According to the NATO Air Training Command: the goal of the NATO…
2013-04-02 In a report published in 2012, the Japanese Institute for Defense Studies provided an overview of the evolving challenge posed by how the Chinese are pursuing their defense and security efforts. The report is the third in a series and focuses upon Chinese decision-making and policy coordination involving the…
2013-04-02 In a recent report looking at the evolution of Chinese robotic air systems, otherwise known as unmanned aerial vehicles, two analysts associated with the 2049 project provide an overview on developments and projected impacts. According to the assessment of Ian Easton and L.C. Russell Hsiao, the PRC is weaving…
2013-04-02 We continued our discussion with Mark Lewis, former Chief Scientist of the USAF and currently head of the Institute for Defense Analysis's Science and Technology Policy Institute. Dr. Lewis is a leading expert on hypersonics. Earlier, we discussed hypersonics with Dr. Lewis, but in this interview we focused on…
2013-04-02 The third UK F-35B has begun its final check out process from Fort Worth on its way to later delivery at Eglin AFB. According to a Lockheed Martin press release: [caption id="attachment_51920" align="alignnone" width="300"] Lockheed Martin Fort Worth Texas Photo by Randy A Crites of BK-3 first flight takeoff…
2013-04-01 By Robbin Laird and Murielle Delaporte Recently, we attended a christening of a new class of US Navy ships called the Mobile Landing Platform. As we looked at the ship from San Diego Harbor, the big gaping hole in the middle is where the change has come: The ship…
2013-04-01 by Dr. Harald Malmgren The Troika (EU Commission, ECB, and IMF) enthusiastically declared “success” in the late March bailout of Cyprus banks. Early this year European finance ministers grew increasingly worried that Cyprus banks would default. The total assets of these banks stood at 7 to8 times the total…
2013-03-30 By Scott C. Truver The U.S. Coast Guard has in place ambitious programs that will revitalize the U.S. cutter force to meet the daunting requirements of the 21st Century. Three highly capable cutter classes are underway in March 2013. First, the Legend-class high-endurance National Security Cutters (NSCs) have been…