The National Computer Quality Supervising Center (NCTC): A Core Chinese Global Capability (Part 2)

2013-01-14 by Dr. Xin Song, Leonard Zuga, and Professor Michael Pecht National Computer Quality Supervising Test Center and China’s Dual-Use Industrial Base The National Computer Quality Supervising Test Center (NCTC) was established under the authorization of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection, and Quarantine (AQSIQ)[1] and the Ministry of Industry…

Protecting Advanced Military Technology in a Challenging Environment: The Case of A123 Systems, Inc.

2013-01-12 By Eric Sterner Just before Christmas, A123 Systems Inc., best known for receiving “green jobs” funding from the Obama administration, announced that a judge approved a Chinese company’s bid to buy the battery-manufacturing firm’s assets in a bankruptcy auction. Normally, an offer to take over a bankrupt firm and put…

Why The Pacific Strategy Requires A Western Hemisphere Energy Policy

2013-01-11 By Robbin Laird Energy security is a key element of national security. The missing piece of America's energy security policy, in turn, is the glaring absence of a strategy to coordinate and secure the enormous energy resources of the Western hemisphere. Today, America is over-dependent on the increasingly volatile Middle…

The National Computer Quality Supervising Center (NCTC): A Core Chinese Global Capability (Part I)

2013-01-11 by Dr. Xin Song, Leonard Zuga, and Professor Michael Pecht In early October of 2012, the US House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence published its Investigative Report on the U.S. National Security Issues Posed by Chinese Telecommunications Companies Huawei and ZTE. The report caused a brief political flap…

Asia and the Decade Ahead: A Challenging Period

We have published earlier our look at the challenges facing China economically.  Our Strategic Inflections Report was based on interviews with the Chinese investor class and looked at the prospects of a hard economic landing. A new report released by London-based Centre for European reform underscores some of the…