Assessing Russia’s Military Reforms: A Bridge Too Far?

2012-11-25 By Richard Weitz The fate of Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov’s controversial reforms, designed to transform a traditional mass mobilization military created to fight another global war with the West into a force optimized to win local conflicts and counterinsurgencies, remains in doubt. The reforms have succeeded in destroying the…

China-U.S. Regional Economic Rivalry: The Global Game Accelerates

2012-11-24 by Richard Weitz The economic dimension of the U.S. Asia Pivot took another step forward when the United States and some of its economic partners recently decided to try to reach a comprehensive regional trade agreement by next October’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit. U.S. President Barack Obama hosted talks…

The Impact of the USS America on USMC Operations: “A MAGTF ACE on Steroids”

2012-11-21 In a four-part follow up set of interviews, Second Line of Defense is looking at the role and impact of the USS America. Interviews have been conducted with the prospective commander of the ship, the head of amphibious ship building in the USN, a senior USMC general on its role,…

Local Arizona TV Weighs in on the Yuma F-35 Squadron

2012-11-21 Not surprisingly, the local media in Arizona covered the event while the national media was largely absent. Sen. John McCain, Gov. Jan Brewer and other officials were on hand for the special ceremony at the base. After three speeches, two of the jets landed at the base. They were…

The Focus of Russian Military Means

2012-11-21 by Richard Weitz Despite the reformers’ goal of redirecting Russian strategic thought away from fighting the West to winning localized conflicts, Russia’s military doctrine and recent military exercises still identify resisting NATO aggression as a major task of the Russian armed forces. The 2010 Military Doctrine describes NATO’s growing military…