A Central Asian Special Report

2013-01-10 We have just published a new Special Report. In this special report, Richard Weitz looks at various aspects of the evolution of policy in the region and how the dynamics of change might play out in the period ahead. Central Asia has become more visibly significant as the West…

New Capabilities, New Constraints Call For New Concepts of Operation

2013-01-09 by Lt. General (Retired) David Deptula Whatever happens with sequestration, Pentagon planners are now struggling to fit the services’ myriad programs under a reduced budget topline. Advocates point to their particular project or personnel as vital to US warfighting capacity.  Technologists point to new capabilities that will allow us…

US-China Commission Underscores Growth in Chinese Nuclear Strike Potential

By Richard Weitz In its 2012 annual report to Congress, the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission noted rapid improvements in China’s nuclear forces. The Commission estimates that China is possibly within two years of attaining a genuine “nuclear triad,” consisting of land-based ballistic missiles, submarine-launched ballistic missiles, and air-dropped…