2012-12-18 The decade ahead is defined by threats which are once generated by globalization and are based in geographical realities. The globalization dynamics create vulnerabilities and proliferation challenges; geography provides the flash points where such dynamics are translated into conflict. A good corrective to getting carried with away with globalization…
2012-12-18 by Richard Weitz This weekend’s parliamentary elections have returned Japan's Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), and former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, to power after several years of rule by the centrist Democratic Party of Japan (DJP). The LDP is projected to have increased its total to around 300 seats in the…
2012-12-17 By Murielle Delaporte The same way preserving minimum strategic stocks and oil reserves nationwide was one of the numerous Cold War challenges in the West, establishing a minimum guard against the 21st century threat, i.e. cyber vulnerability, is on its way to becoming conventional wisdom as an unavoidable security requirement.…
2012-12-17 by Richard Weitz The limitations on domestic sources drive the PRC into a broader global acquisition system. And their quest to procure global uranium is significant for several reasons. First, it provides insight into the development of China’s energy resources, as securing uranium is symptomatic of its decision to invest…
2012-12-15 By Richard Weitz North Korea’s successful December 13 satellite launch surprised many observers by the rapidity of its progress, repeating the unpleasant surprise in 1998, when the DPRK first sought to launch a long-run missile. What is remarkable is how well this launch performed compared to the spectacular failure…
2012-12-15 The Marines having working on shaping ways to provide energy at the "tip of the spear" which can tap new and innovative methods. Recently, Marines from Combat Logistics Regiment-15 installed several Ground Renewable Expeditionary Energy Network Systems [GREENS] at several locations throughout Regional Command (Southwest) to improve the communications reliability of…
The recent interview with the NORTHCOM/NORAD Commander has highlighted the importance of evolving capabilities for Arctic Operations. He has signed recent agreements as well with the Canadians to this effect as well. http://defense.aol.com/2012/12/14/america-allies-and-the-arctic-northcom-commander-talks-polar-st/ https://sldinfo.com/u-s-canada-expand-arctic-cooperation-military-training/ But how capable is the US Navy today to contribute to this effort? Not very according…
2012-12-14 by Richard Weitz On November 15, 2012, U.S. Defense Secretary Panetta signed a joint vision statement with Thailand’s Defense Minister Sukampol Suwannathat, affirming and renewing the Thai-U.S. military partnership. The joint vision statement highlight four areas of future bilateral defense cooperation: regional security in Southeast Asia; supporting stability in the…