Sino-Uzbek Economic and Energy Ties: A Growing Partnership

2012-10-19 by Richard Weitz Energy security represents a major force driving Beijing’s increased interest and involvement in Uzbekistan. A combination of a booming economy and declining domestic energy production has resulted in China’s importing an increasingly large percentage of its oil and natural gas. In particular, the PRC’s natural gas…

The F-35 and Weapons Certification

Weapons certification is the next step to moving the F-35 along to initial operational capability. The standing up of the first F-35 B squadron at Yuma Air Station in November will see the process of building a capable F-35 force begin. Weapons certification is an important step as well. In…

The United States at a Key Turning Point: The Core Necessity for a Military Rebuilding Strategy

2012-10-17 by Michael Wynne, the 21st Secretary of the Air Force In a speech at the Virginia Military Institute, Governor Mitt Romney began a great conversation about the United States role in the world going forward.  How this conversation is framed will influence many emerging international realities. In fact in…

A Libyan “Loose” Manpads Update: In Use Against Israelis

According to a report in The Jerusalem Post, Libyan manpads have been used against Israeli forces. The IDF has refused to officially comment on reports that Palestinian terrorists fired a shoulder-launched surface-to-air missile at an IAF helicopter over Gaza last week. According to the report, which appeared in Yediot Aharonot…