F-35 Pilots Comment on Flying the Aircraft

At the Farnbourgh Air Show three pilots of the F-35 discussed the plane.  We will post their discussions when the video is available.  This post from Defense Technology provides an initial read of what they said. Lockheed’s chief test pilot, Alan Norman, said he was amazed how “easy” it was…

F-35 Fighter Attracts Foreign Interest

By Andrea Shalal-Esa, Reuters 7/11/12 (Excerpts) More than 25 countries have expressed interest in Lockheed Martin Corp's F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, including Singapore, which is still evaluating its options, and South Korea, which is due to pick a winner in its fighter competition by year's end, top Lockheed officials said…

An Interview with the First “Regular” Pilot of the F-35

In an interview at Eglin AFB, Lt. Col. Lee Kloos, the first non-test pilot to start his transition to the F-35 discusses the experience.  Kloos has 2000 hours of flight experience on the F-16 and is a USAF Weapons School graduate. Kloos started his F-35 training at Eglin last October. …

Turkey, Syria and the Future of NATO

2012-07-11  By Richard Weitz The preoccupation with the current Turkey-Syria crisis needs to be placed in context of the evolving global situation. With much of Europe paralyzed due to the Euro crisis, and with U.S. attention drifting eastward, Turkey has the opportunity to emerge as one of NATO’s new leaders.…

The Few, the Proud: The American Defenders

7/10/12: by Michael W. Wynne 21st Secretary of the USAF In his new Book, The Price of Civilization, Jeffrey Sachs decries the cost of defense; assuming that it is not his role to evaluate how America achieved its freedoms; simply accepting that the world will permit its continuation. http://professional.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111903703604576589090204327736.html?mg=reno-wsj Although…

More Operational-Coded F-35s than Test Aircraft for DOD

July 10, 2012 With the delivery of four Lockheed Martin [NYSE:LMT] F-35 Lightning II aircraft since June 29, an important milestone was achieved as the Department of Defense now possesses more operational-coded F-35s than test aircraft. A total of nine F-35s have been delivered for the year, giving the DOD a…

F-35 Flight Test Progress (July 2012)

July 10, 2012 F-35 program accrued the highest number of test points in single month during June, an accomplishment indicative of the program’s ongoing maturation. Additionally, for the 18th consecutive month the F-35 test program remained ahead of plan. As of June 30, the F-35 Lightning II 5th Generation multirole…