F-16s Set Example of Concurrent Development

By Gordon England May 7, 2012 Excerpts from Defense News Why is the F-16 fighter jet so successful, with 4,500 airplanes delivered and, 30 years later, still in production, while the F-35 is a continuing struggle? I was heavily involved in both programs, to include industry and government, and here…

The Truth Commission, the Brazilian Military and Strengthening Defense

By Kenneth Maxwell Igor Gielow, reported in Folha de Sao Paulo on Saturday 12 March, that now President Dilma Rousseff has established a Truth Commission to look into cases of deaths and disappearances during the military regime (1964-1985). The Brazilian government was intending to strengthen the position of the Minister…

Politics and the Crumbling of Authority of Eurozone Leaders

By Harald Malmgren In the last two years, European leaders took personal responsibility for the performance of the Eurozone economy by holding innumerable “summits” and proposing a variety of actions. In effect, the leaders took personal “ownership” of successes or failures of their economies and financial markets. European voters, no…

The Role of the FBI in Cybersecurity

By Richard Weitz In a January 31, 2012 hearing on global threats of the Senate Select Intelligence Committee on worldwide threats, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Robert Mueller; warned about the growing cyber threat to the United States. “I do not think today it is necessarily…

The Logistical Impact of Seabasing

In our series on Bold Alligator 2012, we examined various aspects of littoral operations highlighted in the exercise. And we did so with the future evolution of such capabilities in mind.  We will soon publish our analytical take on how to think differently with regard to littoral engagement  in light…

Just Do It: Build Up the SM-3 Inventory Before it’s Too Late

by Ed Timperlake “No Platform Fights alone” U.S. and Allied Air/Sea fighting force is coming to fruition quickly. The headlines following last week’s test of the SM-3 Block 1B missile were unambiguous and unanimous; the newest variant of the centerpiece of America’s missile defense shield was a resounding success. Looking…

Titanium structures for the F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter to be produced in Bristol, UK

14:51 GMT, May 2, 2012 GKN Aerospace at Filton, UK, has commenced production of precision machined titanium structures for BAE Systems, a principal subcontractor to Lockheed Martin, for the F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter aircraft (JSF). The Filton site will work in partnership with the GKN Aerospace sister operation…