09/14/2011 - Captain Robinson Harris US Navy (Retired), now with Lockheed Martin Mission Systems and Sensors (MS2), provides an assessment of how the new Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) might be used in an irregular warfare scenario. The case described was that of a notional crisis in Nigeria with the need to assist the…
09/14/2011 [caption id="attachment_23997" align="alignleft" width="662" caption="Johan Freckhaus in Afghan operatons http://www.atlantico.fr/decryptage/combat-officier-francais-aupres-commandant-massoud-contre-taliban-178446.html "][/caption] As Americans observe the day 10 years ago when terrorists in hijacked planes attacked New York and the Pentagon, the people of northern Afghanistan remember what for them was a greater tragedy two days earlier on Sept. 9,…
09/13/2011: During the Second Line of Defense visit to USCG Island in Alameda, California, Captain John Prince and the Executive Officer of the Bertholf David Ramassini discussed their recent tour aboard the Bertholf. The conversation occurred in late July 2011 shortly after Captain Prince had relinquished command of the Bertholf…
An Interview With Colonel Mark Desens, Commander of the 26th MEU 09/05/2011 - In July 2011, Second Line of Defense sat down with Colonel Mark Desens to discuss the recent deployment of the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit. Earlier we had discussed, with Col. “Ozzie” Osborn, the 15th MEU, the evolution…
09/13/11 by Richard Weitz Like Robbin Laird, I too found myself at the Pentagon on the morning of September 11, 2001. At the time I was going to work at a nearby federally foundered research and development corporation that supported several Defense Department programs. The company had shuttle buses that…
09/12/2011 In this picture, one sees the Sec Def getting off of the Osprey from a flight last week. He obviously is a happy commuter. [caption id="attachment_23901" align="alignleft" width="640" caption="Credit: USN Visual Service"][/caption]
The LPD-24 Sails Into the Future By Ed Timperlake and Robbin Laird 06/14/2011 - Recently, it was revealed that DOD plans to keep in operation ships for more than 70 years! To put this in context, if the USS Maine had not been blown up in Havana it could have…
09/10/2011 In this video, workers are seen turning steel from the September 11th destruction of the World Trade Center into a ship that will operate for decades in taking the fight back out into the global arena. The ship was built in New Orleans. Twenty-four tons of steel from the…