The Advanced Hawkeye in the Integratable Airwing: The Perspective of CDR Neil Fletcher

By Robbin Laird Recently I had a chance to discuss with the CO of VAW 121 about the way ahead with coming of air refuelability for the squadron’s Advanced Hawkeyes. I was able to do so after CDR Neil Fletcher had spent a good part of his early day on…

What is the Role of the Australian Army in Australia’s New Strategy?

By Robbin Laird The Australian Army faces a significant challenge as it adapts to its role within the ADF and as the ADF refocuses on the Indo-Pacific. A clear consideration is how the Army will address force mobility, basing flexibility, and operate within an integrated air-maritime task force. Several years…

The Next Phase of the F-35 Global Enterprise: USS America Works Integration with Japanese F-35s

The F-35 fleet emerging in the Pacific is the 21st century version of the US Navy's World War II "big blue blanket." With the Japanese expanding their F-35 fleet and adding the B to its As, training with the USS America is a natural evolution of the collaborative effort. As…

The Next Phase of Australian National Security Strategy: Senator Jim Molan Weighs In

By Robbin Laird I am in the throes of finishing up my book on the evolution of Australian defence strategy over the past several years, from 2014 until now. With the announcement of the new government defence strategy by Prime Minister Morrison on July 1, 2020, it seemed a good…

The US Cold Civil War: Pippa Malmgren Looks at the United States

Recently, Pippa Malmgren, a U.S. analyst baed in London, provided thoughts on American developments. An article by Tyler Durden published on October 18, 2020 provided the interview. Here we are excerpting the discussion of the digital civil war, but the video below provides the full interview. Erik: I want to pick…

Rotary Wing Innovation and Shaping a Way Ahead for the Integratable Air Wing

By Robbin Laird For me, the biggest surprise during my several months of discussions about training for the high-end fight has been learning about the contribution of the Romeo community to the innovation underway. With the shift from the primacy of the land-wars to a return to Blue Water operations,…

The Shift to the Indo-Pacific: Australia Resets Its Defence Strategy

In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, the prime minister of Australia, Scott Morrison, launched a new defense and security strategy for Australia. This strategy reset puts Australia on the path of enhanced defense capabilities. The change represents a serious shift in its policies towards China, and in reworking alliance…