2012-10-31 Singapore is at the vortex of what we are calling the Strategic Quadrangle in the Pacific. The intersection of the defense of Japan, South Korea, Australia and Singapore forms a quadrangle of defense interests in providing for the security of key US allies in the region. The US is…
2012-10-30 by Richard Weitz The US alliance with South Korea is a key element of US Pacific strategy. How the US relationship with South Korea evolves will be a key element of the overall evolution of any 21st century Pacific strategy. This past week saw the 44th annual U.S.-Republic of…
2012-10-30 by Richard Weitz Ukraine is at the vortex of East and West. The Russian connection has been definitional, historically and moving forward. The EU relationship has been about joining a broader cause, the building of Europe. And the Americans are a useful counter with the Russians and viewed by…
2012-10-29 by Richard Weitz Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are the two most influential of the “stans,” having the largest land mass and population in Central Asia. Uzbekistan is also Kazakhstan’s major trading partner within Central Asia. Yet, the two countries, along with their presidents, are commonly seen as perennial competitors for regional…
2012-10-28 by Richard Weitz Today’s parliamentary elections matter more than many people realize. Ukraine is the largest contiguous country on the European continent not extending into Asia. It shares borders with the Russian Federation, Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Moldova, but the most important geopolitical consideration at present is…
2012-10-28 by Richard Weitz Israel and Azerbaijan have found each other to be attractive partners. Israel’s deepening ties with Azerbaijan have helped compensate for its deteriorating relations with Turkey over the Freedom Flotilla crisis. Meanwhile, Israel has provided Azerbaijan with important assistance in many areas. Azerbaijan has a history free of…
By Peter B. de Selding (Excerpt from Article) The French research minister said Oct. 26 that Europe’s launch vehicle sector is “at a turning point” and must begin investment in a next-generation rocket immediately given the changing competitive landscape. Addressing an issue that continues to divide France and Germany less…
2012-10-27 By Richard Weitz In the immediate aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the leaders of the former Soviet republics in Central Asia, including Uzbekistan, supported various measures to preserve economic, security, and other ties with the other former Soviet republics. Uzbekistan was a founding signer…