Coping with the Euro-Crisis: The Remaking of Europe and Challenges for Defense And Security

By Dr. Robbin Laird and Dr. Harald Malmgren [caption id="attachment_8747" align="alignnone" width="450" caption="The Greek Bailout ("][/caption] The Euro crisis associated with the May, 2010 Greek bailout is more fundamental than closing a one-time hemorrhage of debt imbalances.  Politics within the Eurozone national governments are putting severe stresses on the cohesiveness…

Russian-Indian Arms Deals Hold Steady; But For How Long?

By Richard Weitz Russian defense companies are counting on additional weapons sales to India to compensate for the precipitous decline in their military exports to China. India is replacing the PRC as the world’s leading arms importer. Until now, Soviet and Russian suppliers have provided about two-thirds of India’s military…

Planning An Exit Strategy (I): A Lead Nation Approach To Crisis

[caption id="attachment_7168" align="alignleft" width="250" caption=" French General Gaviard with American General Michael Moseley, then Vice Chief of Staff of the USAF, while visiting the Air Operations Conducting and Command Center (CCOA) in 2004 "][/caption] This is the first of a series of four articles on the subject of conflict management…

Ambassador Glassman on: Getting Defensive?

 By Ambassador Jon Glassman Ambassador Jon Glassman is a retired career Foreign Service officer who is currently Director for Government Policy of the Northrop Grumman Corporation’s Electronic Systems sector. While at the Department of State, Ambassador Glassman served in many countries, including Afghanistan. Ambassador Glassman also has served as the…

European Dynamics in 2010: Economics, Politics and Defense in the Reshaping of the West (Part One)

Europe is in the throes of a fundamental change.  The dynamics of change associated with the Great Recession, and the ripple effects on European societies are intersecting with a Euro crisis.  The currency crisis reflects underlying pressures and strains within global economies.  The intersection between the economic pressures with those…