2017-02-16 By Robbin Laird In the Fall of 2015, then Major General Rune Jakobsen became Lt. General Jakobsen and the Commander of the Norwegian Joint Headquarters. According to the announcement at the time: The new commander started his military career in July 1980 and has filled several key positions in the…
2017-01-25 By Robbin Laird Europe ever since the end of World War II has seen significant change. And clearly, after an upsurge of growth in the 1950s and 1960s, growth and development have been tougher to come by. European collaboration on the Continent began with the European Coal and Steel…
2017-01-19 By Ed Timperlake and Robbin Laird President-elect Trump has promised to destroy ISIS. President Obama is leaving office having had to confront ISIS, and whatever one thinks of his efforts, the results are clear: ISIS remains alive and well. But before the new regime takes office, some cautionary notes…
This is the third of a three part series by Danny Lam on the way ahead for the "One China Policy. 2017-01-15 By Danny Lam When Chiang Kai Shek’s Republic of China (ROC) retreated to Taiwan in 1949, few Kuomintang (KMT) officials could have foresaw the extended stay in Taiwan,…
2017-01-19 According to the 2016 version of the Annual Report to Congress of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, the time is now to deal with the actions and policies of the current dictatorial regime in Beijing. China’s willingness to reshape the economic, geopolitical, and security order to accommodate its…
2017-01-15 By Robbin Laird Notably, Prime Minister Abe visited Donald Trump shortly after his electoral victory. After a meeting at Trump Tower in mid-November 2016, Abe had this to say: Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe described Donald Trump as a "trustworthy leader" after meeting the U.S. president-elect on Thursday to…
2017-01-08 By Robbin Laird Norway stands at an interesting global and historical point in the evolution of Western defense. It faces directly resurgent Russia and faces the challenge with its Nordic partners of Baltic defense as well. Then with the Arctic opening and the High North actually part of Norwegian…
2017-01-15 In a story published on the UK Ministry of Defence website on January 20. 2017, the UK Minister of Defence recently highlighted the evolution of the UK’s defence network. At a meeting with British Defence Attachés, hosted in London, Sir Michael called on the UK’s military diplomats to take…