MAGTF Trains for Fire Support

02/18/18: Marines with 3rd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment participate in Fire Support Coordination Exercise at training area Quackenbush aboard the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, Calif., Jan. 19, 2018. The training exercise gave Marines an opportunity to practice a challenging, realistic training environment that produces combat-ready forces…

Rebuilding the Afghan Air Force: The Role of the Cessna

02/15/18: About half of the entire sortie count tallied by the Afghan Air Force in 2016 came on the wings of 24 nondescript, single-engine Cessnas that are constantly taking off and landing on airstrips across the country.

 The Cessna 208, a resilient and easy to maintain light airlifter, has “turned…

USMC Stands Up First MEF Support Battallion

2/12/18: The first Marine Expeditionary Force Support Battalion in the Marine Corps was activated during a ceremony at Camp Lejeune, N.C., Feb. 9, 2018. The new battalion, part of the II MEF Information Group, is designed to provide and coordinate combat-service support as well as security and administrative services to…